Cedar Park Dumpster Rental and Waste Management Prices

The Cost for waste management in Cedar Park, Tx may be going up. This is the time of year when landfills need to charge dumpster companies with additional fees. Dig out fees are common in a landfill. The current price on a dig out of a dumpster is $40. When a dumpster sits for even a short period of time in the winter the bottom of the dumpster usually contains a couple inches of moisture. When this moisture is frozen it may as well be concrete, the driver tips the dumpster back only to learn that nothing has come out of his dumpster. The landfill is quick to respond with a dig out service that is done with a back hoe or escavator.

Salt is then shoveled into the container to try to prevent the dumpster from turning into a trashsicle again. The use of salt after every dump by a dumpster company is just another hit to the bottom line. Contract pricing for dumpster service usually are re-negotiated at the beginning of each year. I cannot remember a time when the price of a service was lowered, but that may just be my experience. In addition to winter blends in fuel the cost of fuel is slowly on the rise this winter. I believe there were many bargains to be had on dumpster rentals this past winter, even in a rough economy. I believe this spring and summer will be another big test for dumpster companies to find a way to reach out to their customers and give them the best bargain they can offer on a dumpster rental in Cedar Park, Tx.

Centex Dumpster Rental
1303 White Dove Cove
Cedar Park, TX 78613